Fujitsu needs ideas!

18.10.2014 KLO 15:54

It is time to help our friends at Fujitsu! They need your help and ideas! You have couple more days to participate and give your idea for Fujitsu’s PalmSecure™ Innovation Contest.

If you have answer for some of these questions, you can help them and win prizes (if you win of course)!

  • What are the application areas for a match-on-device system with FUJITSU PalmSecure™ technology?
  • Which use cases can you imagine in the fields such as government, finance, enterprise, automotive, retail or others for this technology?
  • How can the device appear in the different usage scenarios? Where can the FUJITSU PalmSecure™ sensor technology be applied in general?

Three ideas get to present their ideas for Fujitsu experts and here are the prizes:

  • First winner: FUJITSU LIFEBOOK U904 with PalmSecure™ sensor
  • Second winner: FUJITSU LIFEBOOK U574 Ultrabook™
  • Third winner: FUJITSU STYLISTIC M702 semi-ruggedized tablet PC

So all you need to do is go to the contest site and share your idea! But be fast, contest ends in October 20th 2014!

Suomeksi // In finnish

Fujitsu tarvitsee apuasi ja sinulla on vielä pari päivää aikaa osallistua kisaan missä sinun pitää auttaa jakamalla oma ideasi. Yllä on selvennetty hieman mihin kysymykseen ideasi voisi vastata ja mitä voit voittaa mikäli olet kolmen parhaan joukossa.

Pidä kiirettä sillä kilpailu loppuu lokakuun 20. päivä 2014!


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